Is the Full Scale license right for your project?
In this article, we have laid out the Terms of Sales of the Full Scale license and give you some concrete project examples to help you understand the Full Scale license.
A Full Scale license grants you the following rights:
The Full Scale license includes the rights of the Extended, Large and Standard license, namely:
- Modify or adapt the track to synchronize it with the below-mentioned projects.
- Synchronize one track with one video or audio content that is published online.
- Use the track as background music for a website.
- Synchronize the track with any project that is broadcast or performed in public.
- Synchronize the track with audio content for radio worldwide.
- Synchronize the track in a mobile application allowing for unlimited downloads
Furthermore, the Full Scale license includes the rights to:
Synchronize the track with video content for TV worldwide
- Synchronize the track with any video content, which can be broadcast on worldwide TV with an unlimited number of viewers (e.g. advert, documentary, film).
- The TV broadcast here includes cable, satellite, IP TV, pay-per-view TV channels and free TV channels.
- The Full Scale license also allows the broadcast of any video content on paid or subscription-based online TV or video-on-demand service
Synchronize the track with video content for cinema worldwide
- Synchronize the track with any video content, which is broadcast in worldwide cinemas with an unlimited number of viewers (e.g. films, documentaries, adverts)
Synchronize the track with a project that is distributed on an analog or digital storage medium with unlimited copies
- Analog and digital storage mediums include among others: CD, DVD, BluRay, Audiobooks and Audioguides.
Synchronize the track with software or a pc/console video game with unlimited copies
- The synchronization with software or pc/console video game that can be accessed through any physical media, through download and/or through streaming.
- The distribution can be made through app stores including Apple Store, Windows Store, Stream, GOG, XBLA, PlayStation Store, Origin, UPlay, and others.
- The Full Scale license allows unlimited number of copies of the software or pc/console video game.
The Full Scale license may also allow other uses and/or be fine-tuned according to your needs, subject to discussion and in agreement with Jamendo. Simply contact us for further discussion.
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